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Cameroon’s Struggle Today! Unveiling the Top 10 Issues Affecting the Nation In 2024, by Dr. Ndamsa Dickson & Nembo Elton

Stating the Facts

Cameroon ranks 151 out of the 191 countries as per the 2023/2024 Human Development Index. With some reported economic progress, poverty still plagues the economy with an estimated 37.5% of the population living below the poverty line since 2014. The economy of Cameroon, rich in natural resources and cultural diversity, with the agricultural and oil sectors accounting for most of its export revenue. The economy has witnessed periods of growths and decline over the years. Being CEMAC’s largest economy, Cameroon has started to recover from the COVID-19 shock, prior to the war in Ukraine, recording a growth rate of 3.6% in 2021, a recovery from -2.2% in 2020 (IMF report, 2022).

Despite this recovery, growth is still hampered by the presence of social ills, and other market distortions, hence questioning the feasibility and the attainment of its long term vision 2035. Formulating reforms aimed at re-structuring the economy towards its vision of emergence has been of priority, however, the inhabitants still face problems of different categories. To assist policy efforts targeted towards improving the lives of Cameroonians, the LoRDA Research Center, based on sound data evidence, presents the Ten (10) most pressing challenges facing our society.

seismic dissemination and population distribution in Cameroon 2012.png


The most pressing problems – First response

(Problèmes les plus importants – Première réponse)

Rank Problem Frequency Percent
1st Unemployment (Chômage) 172 14.3
2nd Management of the economy (Gestion de l’économie) 134 11.2
3rd Corruption (Corruption) 126 10.5
4th Crime and Insecurity (Crime et insécurité) 95 7.9
5th Civil War (Guerre civile) 90 7.5
6th Poor Road Infrastructure (Infrastructures routières) 89 7.4
7th Water (Eau) 87 7.2
8th Poverty/hardship (Pauvreté / misère) 78 6.5
9th Electricity (Electricité) 77 6.4
10th Education (Education) 49 4.1
11th Health (Santé) 32 2.7
12th Food insecurity/famine (Insécurité alimentaire / famine) 28 2.4
Etc. Demogrcy/Political Rights (Démocratie / droits politiques) 25 2.1
  Wages and Income (Salaires et revenus) 23 1.9
  Political instability/political Divisions/Ethnic Tensions (Instabilité politique /divisions politiques / tensions ethniques) 22 1.9
  Climate Change (Changements climatiques) 10 0.8
  Agriculture (Agriculture) 8 0.7
  Discrimination/Inequality (Discrimination / inégalité) 7 0.6
  Refuse to Reset (Refuse de repondre) 6 0.5
  Diseases/Epidemics (Maladies / épidémies) 5 0.4
  Land (Foncier) 5 0.4
  Drought (Sècheresse) 4 0.3
  Political Violence (Violence politique) 3 0.3
  Gender/Women Rights (Approche genre / droit de la femme 2 0.2
  COVID-19 (COVID-19) 2 0.2
  Don’t Know (Ne sait pas) 2 0.2
  Taxes (Impôts et taxes) 2 0.2
  Communication (Communication) 1 0.1
  Housing/Habitat (Logement / habitat) 1 0.1
  Agricultural Marketing (Commercialisation Agricole) 1 0.1
  Loans/Credits (Prêts / credits) 0 0
  Other (Autres) 16 1.3
  Total 1200 100

Source: Computed by authors using Afrobarometer 2020 ( ). See the above link for the sampling procedure used

Cameroon and Unemployment!

Information from the statistics above reveals that many Cameroonians face a variety of problems. The most pressing problem is unemployment with a frequency score of 14.3%. Even though there has been a decrease in the unemployment rate from 3.80% in 2022 to 3.70% in 2023 Cameroonians still consider this as their most wanting concern, especially with a fast growing youth population.

This is in tandem with the research of Suwun (2018) who indicated that, despite the demographic advantages, young people in Cameroon encounter significant challenges that hinder their socioeconomic potential. Key issues include unemployment, poverty, and limited access to essential social security services, among other. This is also supported by the world bank ranking of problems faced by most economies.  Among the many measures to combat this stubborn challenge, we encourage efforts to accompany private sector activities, match education with labour market needs, and promote community entrepreneurship.

Economic Crisis In Cameroon Today

Closely behind unemployment is the management of the economy as Cameroonians ranked this as the second big problem with a frequency score of 11.2%. The country is naturally endowed with resources both natural and human (gold, cassiterite, Uranium, Rutile, Nickel, Manganese, petroleum, gas, oil, mineral ore, timber, cocoa, coffee, maize, cassava) that are capable of bringing the much needed growth, but the people think that the  utilization of these resources is highly problematic.

Cameroon and Curruption

In the third place, we have corruption with a frequency score of 10.5%. Corruption in the country has been persistent, constantly spreading, and it is becoming the standard despite the numerous national and international efforts to combat it. According to Transparency International’s 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index, Cameroon received a score of 27 out of 100. From 1996 to 2023, Cameroon’s Corruption Index averaged 23.21 points; it peaked in 2014 at 27.00 points even though with a reported decrease, Cameroonian still consider corruption as a major problem in the country. The police are seen by Cameroonians as the most corrupt institution in the government.

Crime and Insecurity

The fourth most pressing problem of Cameroonians is crime and insecurity, with a percentage score of 7.9%, the country with its high unemployment rate has caused some of its inhabitants to resort to armed robbery and theft. The fifth most pressing problem considered by Cameroonians is the presence of civil war in the North West and South West regions of the country since 2016.

Infrastructure and Development

In the sixth place, we have poor road infrastructure with a frequency score of 7.4%. The road network in Cameroon has greatly improved in the last 5 years, especially with the coming of the AFCON 2022. Given the importance of good road infrastructure in terms of reduced road accidents and reduced rtraffic, and ensuing development, the ongoing efforts by the government are greatly appreciated. One of the goals of the National Development Strategy 2020-2030 (SND30),  is to pave at least 6,000 km of new roads. Statistics from the Ministry of Public Works, indicates that as at December 31, 2023, about 2,400 km of roads were paved, achieving 73.46% of the set targets. This means there are still around 3,600 km of new roads to be asphalted to reach the 2030 goal, this is a significant progress.

National Water Crisis

The seventh pressing concern is water, as lack of good drinking water sources and water for other activities (such as production and cooling) is alarming in the country. One of the causes may be to droughts (the lack of rain and dry conditions in northeastern Cameroon is depleting water resources vital to farming in the region. Others put the blame on the inability of the water supply company (CamWater). Measures to break the monopoly around water supply are vital in creating a competitive environment profitable to consumers in terms of available and quality water.


The eighth pressing concern is poverty, despite the increase in growth rate the country still has about 37.5% of the population living below the poverty line. This is indication that policy efforts should move from just promoting economic growth to a focus on quality growth, which is in line with the new generation development economic models.

Power ( Electricity ) Problems

The ninth problem of Cameroonians is electricity, the country has widespread electricity wiring and grid, but its outdated infrastructure causes frequent power outages, causing slowdown in businesses (manufacturing, processing, finance) that require electricity to operate their activities.

Educational Systems

The tenth concern is that of education with a frequency score of 4.1%, though education is compulsory through the age of 12 years and primary education in government schools is free since 2000, the sector is plagued with quality concerns and chronic mismatches between the curricular taught and labour market needs. Most schools offer general education tailored towards white cola jobs that the labour market cannot fully provide; technical and vocational education should be the rule.

Proper Medical Facilities and Health Support Systems

After education, we have health in the with a score of 2.7%, this is a great concern for Cameroonians, especially with inadequate health facilities in most rural areas and low patient to doctor ratio; according to the Guardian Post News Paper of 24th January 2024, Cameroon’s doctor-patient ratio is one doctor per 50,000 persons, far above the African average of one doctor per 10,000 persons. The government should cease the opportunities presented by the Universal Health Coverage and ensure its proper implementation in the country.

The other problems include famine, Democracy / Political Rights, Wages and income, political instability/political divisions/ethnic tensions, Other services, Climate Change, Agriculture, Discrimination / inequality Other, Refuse to reset, Diseases/epidemics, Background, Dryer, Political violence, Gender/Women’s Rights Approach, COVID-19, Taxes, Communication, Housing/Habitat, Agricultural marketing, Loans / credits


The above analysis of the pressing concerns of Cameroonians is very important. It gives direction to policy makers and other stakeholders (NGOs, funders etc). In the midst of scarce resources, such ranking is key, as resources can be directed to meet the most pressing needs of Cameroonians. With the coming 2025 elections, this ranking should serve in guiding the politicians to device informed policy packages to address the needs of Cameroonians.


Citation/reference: Ndamsa D. and Nembo E. (2024) Cameroon’s Struggle Today! Unveiling the Top 10 Issues Affecting the Nation In 2024, LoRDA Research Center,

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