Building bridges to informed socio economic policy making in Africa.

Economic Unit

The LoRDA Research Center conducts independent, non-partisan analyses and research on all areas.

The Economic Unit  of the LoRDA Research Center uses the research/data-based lens to examine a plethora of economic issues in order to trigger change in ideas, behavior, and policy for a more inclusive economic development in Africa as a whole and Cameroon in particular. It carries out policy sound research and provides front-line economic analyses. The Economic Unit helps in pointing out what the business sector perceives as good for their businesses, and informs the general public in the understanding of economic issues that touch their daily living. It promotes green economics by exploring the role that public investment, regulation, and tax policy play in making the economy more sustainable and equitable. To attain its mission, the unit has high-level experts carefully selected after a meticulous recruitment and selection process. These experts proffer original and policy relevant research works by leaning on sound data, opinion samples, policy documents, research articles, reports and economic magazines, and other newspapers.

The activities of the Economic Unit supports decision makers to implement sound and evidence-based policies at the economic level. The Unit also propagates the benefits of free-market systems as crucial to the establishment of affluent economies in Africa. 

The Topic under this unit includes amongst others: 

  1. Tax administration and compliance
  2. Green Economics
  3. Trade and economic development
  4. Poverty and inequalities
  5. Financial inclusion and development
  6. Fiscal and monetary policy issues
  7. Entrepreneurship, innovation and decent employment

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