Building bridges to informed socio economic policy making in Africa.

Education & Health Unit

The LoRDA Research Center conducts independent, non-partisan analyses and research on all areas.

The Education & Health Unit  of the LoRDA Research Center analyses the African health care system  through the lens of low- and moderate-income households/families’ living standards, with special focus to employer-sponsored health insurance, the burden of health costs, and disparities in access and outcomes. This unit also addresses drivers and constraints to achieving universal health coverage in African and Cameroon. Given that a key element of successful long-term economic development in every African country is a skilled population, the unit promotes the collection of useful data from student assessments as an important step toward improving school performance. These data will encourage analyses that can improve low performing school systems. The unit also conducts randomized control trials on new methods of teaching and learning that can enhance the quality of education.


In order to achieve its mission, the unit has high-caliber experts carefully selected after a meticulous recruitment and selection process. These experts provide original and policy relevant research works by leaning on sound data, opinion samples, policy documents, research articles, reports and economic magazines, and other newspapers.

The activities of the H&E Unit support decision makers to make sound and evidence-based policies in the education and health sectors in Cameroon and Africa.

The topics under this unit include among others:

1.  Digital learning

2.  Health care systems and effective delivery

3.  Universal health coverage


4.  Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs)

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