Building bridges to informed socio economic policy making in Africa.

Gender Equality And Women Empowerment Unit

The LoRDA Research Center conducts independent, non-partisan analyses and research on all areas.

Both research and experience have underlined that helping women and men become equal partners in development—with equal voice and equal access to resources—accelerates economic growth. In order to promote gender equality and women empowerment, research focuses on the effects of gender-based barriers to development. The unit promotes innovative research in areas such as public expenditure, pensions, and land reform to help African countries address gender issues. In this unit, we also collect and analyze data on gender gaps at the highest level of academia and in decision-making positions including politics. The topics covered under this unit include:

  • equal enjoyment opportunities
  • equal access to resources and rewards
  • empirical comparisons of men and women
  • the role of gender and gendered beliefs in achievement, interpersonal relationships, and physical and psychological well-being.

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