Building bridges to informed socio economic policy making in Africa.

Governance & Politics Unit

The LoRDA Research Center conducts independent, non-partisan analyses and research on all areas.

The Governance and Politics Unit of LoRDA Research Center analyses governance related issues and the functioning of country specific, continental and global political institutions, given the prevalence of globalization tendencies. This unit serves as a bridge in building, through data collection, an atmosphere of transparency and accountability with regards to the role of political actors and other stakeholders in ensuring the livelihood of State machineries. Considering the fact that the political stability of a States depends on how responsive and responsible those in power are to the needs of their citizens, the unit promotes the conduct of researches especially in countries or communities faced with governance deficiencies. The unit also focuses on sampling the opinion of country-specific population on how the nature of their political systems interplays on the effectiveness of institutions and the quality of leadership in their respective territories.  Given that the implementation of public policies is crucial to the development and growth of the different sectors of the economy, this unit also focuses on conducting in-depth researches on resources allocation, presenting itself as a driver in bringing to limelight relevant database; using the PEST as well as SWOT approaches in informing the public on how efficient and effective utilization of resources allocated for, as well as the involvement/ participation of citizens in the policy process enhances the pace of development in their respective localities, in Africa and Cameroon in particular.

To attain its purpose, this unit has embarked on seeking the timely intervention of renowned Political Scientists, experts and analysts in the fields of Governance carefully selected from within higher education institutions in Cameroon and elsewhere. These actors provide accurate research papers and scholarly articles drawing from a bulk of policy documents, other scholarly articles, observation, reports, opinion sampling and other sources to present their analysis.
The activities of Governance and Politics Unit enable policy makers to understand those factors that serve as bulwark in the implementation of the tenets of good governance in Africa and Cameroon in particular. Its activities also serve an amplifier in awakening a sense of civic consciousness among citizens, hence encouraging active participation of citizens in the political sphere of their States.
Themes under this area include but not limited to:

  1. Democracy and Political Systems
  2. New Public Management
  3. Government and Politics
  4. State institutions and public service delivery
  5. Elections in post monolithic era
  6. Executive of State Budget
  7. Corruption

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