Building bridges to informed socio economic policy making in Africa.



LoRDA Research Center signs a Memorandum Of Understanding with RETAFO ( Reforestation Task Force ) and HSUVI ( Hope Social Union for the Visually Impaired ) on Saturday the 17th of June, 2023.


LoRDA Research Center, a leading research and development institute, has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with RETAFO (Reforestation Task Force) and HSUVI (Hope Social Union for the Visually Impaired) on Saturday the 17th of June, 2023. This agreement marks a significant milestone in the efforts to address pressing environmental and social issues in the region. The MoU signing ceremony was held at the LoRDA Research Center, where representatives from all three organizations were present. The agreement is aimed at promoting sustainable development and enhancing social and environmental responsibility in the region.

The MoU outlines several areas of cooperation between the three organizations, including the promotion of reforestation and sustainable forest management practices, the creation of sustainable livelihoods for the visually impaired community, and the development of innovative solutions for environmental and social challenges.

Under the agreement, LoRDA Research Center will provide technical assistance to RETAFO to develop sustainable forest management practices. Additionally, the center will collaborate with HSUVI to explore opportunities for creating sustainable livelihoods for the visually impaired community through research and development projects.

The MoU also includes provisions for joint research and development initiatives, knowledge-sharing and capacity-building programs, and the establishment of a joint task force to address environmental and social issues in the region.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, the Director of the LoRDA Research Center expressed his excitement about the partnership, saying “We are thrilled to join forces with RETAFO and HSUVI to promote sustainable development and address pressing environmental and social issues in the region. This partnership is a testament to the power of collaboration and the importance of working together to create a better future for all.”

The signing of the MoU represents a significant step forward in the efforts to promote sustainable development and enhance social and environmental responsibility in the region. It is hoped that this partnership will serve as a model for other organizations and institutions to follow in the pursuit of a more sustainable and equitable future.


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