LoRDA Research Center Peace and Security Unit play significant roles in asserting the relevance of peace building initiatives and the maintenance of human security within crisis ravaged communities. Given that peace is not the absence of war per se, this unit focuses on conducting studies on peace building aimed at proposing strategies that can serve as diagnoses in curbing the effects of conflicts in such areas. The unit also through the conduct of sound research asserts the relevance of peace sustaining guidelines and principles at individual, interpersonal, community, regional and state levels.
Given the assertion that the security of man as well as property serves as an indicator of good governance, this unit provides accurate policy recommendations to governments as well as non-state entities interested or charged with the duty of maintaining peace and security.
To achieve its goals, the P and S Unit collaboratively work with scholars, experts, peace crusaders and NGOs in exploring humane arenas for the peace building in conflict affected zones especially in Cameroon.
The activities of this unit are beneficial not only to factions involved in conflict, but paves the way for entities to reconsider emulating actions and attitudes, aimed at maintaining peace and security at all levels.
Topics in this area include:
1. Gender and Peace Building
2. National and International Security
3. International organizations and the maintenance of continental/global security
4. Terrorism and armed conflicts
5. Trans border security